El programa para adultos de The Conative Group se enfoca en ayudar a los adultos jóvenes que tienen dificultades para avanzar en la vida. El Dr. Harrison es un pionero en el campo de la adultez, especialmente para aquellos con autismo tipo Asperger o TDAH. El Programa para adultos se diseñó inicialmente para satisfacer las necesidades de estas personas y sus familias. Sin embargo, desde sus inicios, muchos adultos jóvenes que luchan con otros problemas también se han beneficiado de la estructura y el apoyo de nuestro programa para adultos.
Los adultos jóvenes que tienen problemas para mantenerse activos, ya sea en la escuela o en el trabajo, a menudo han caído en una serie de malos hábitos que los mantienen atascados. Los padres pueden sentirse frustrados y confundidos acerca de qué hacer, especialmente cuando nada de lo que hacen o dicen parece motivar a su joven adulto.
En The Conative Group, sabemos que aprender y usar los hábitos básicos necesarios para la edad adulta a menudo requiere un plan de acción sistemático. Nuestro programa proporciona una serie estructurada de pasos que incluyen una función de "registro" diario, entrenamiento de funciones ejecutivas , terapia individual, grupal y familiar, consulta con los padres y evaluación objetiva regular para ayudar a los adultos jóvenes a hacer una transición exitosa a la edad adulta.

The participants in our program are in various stages of adulting. Most have finished high school, some are considering/applying/attempting college or working slowly toward a degree. Some drive, some don't, and most live at home and/or are financially and emotionally dependent on their parents. A few of our participants are living independently with varying levels of parental support. Our goal with all participants is to help them reach for and achieve their highest and best level of independence.
The relationship between parents and their dependent adult children, particularly for those still living at home, is wrought with pitfalls and challenges. At The Conative Group, we focus on the mechanics of change and how to restructure the parent/child (young adult) communication and set age-appropriate limits and expectations. The goal is to slowly change a poorly functioning, outdated adult/child relationship, to a more sustainable, adult/adult dynamic, that fosters growth, ownership, and self-motivation. These changes do not come easily and require all members of the family to adjust and change their own behavior in service to their shared common goals.
All services are provided in-house at The Conative Group. Each young adult is assigned an Individual therapist for weekly psychotherapy. The Individual therapist serves as the lead/case manager and communicates regularly with the in-house team (group therapist, executive function coaching, family therapist).
Family therapy appointments are held every 4-6 weeks, depending on the needs of the client and family. These sessions are invaluable for keeping treatment on track and for gauging the success of predetermined short- and long-term goals. We find the young adult's self-awareness is often different from the parent's expectations and experience of them, so bringing those issues into sharper focus is critically important for success. Working together in family therapy, we can guide the young adult toward self-regulating behaviors and change the parent/child relationship to one of adult/adult. This process of parents and young adults working together to create a new dynamic with reasonable expectations is necessary for progress to take place.
Often anxiety and depression or other emotional issues get in the way of a person moving forward in life. Because
it is critical to address these issues, each young adult will have an individual therapist for weekly psychotherapy. The Individual therapist serves as the case manager and communicates regularly with the in-house team (family therapist, group therapist, and executive function coach). The gold standard for treatment of anxiety, depression, and most adjustment disorders is cognitive behavioral therapy. All clinicians at The Conative Group are highly skilled and experienced in this modality. Additionally, we can provide specialized treatment for young adults with coexisting conditions such as trauma, screen time, drug and alcohol addictions, and other comorbidities.
Young ASD adults in our program usually have been struggling with social and emotional development and are quick to isolate and/or commune only with family. Group therapy helps expand the circle of connection and helps foster adult social skills.
Our Young Adult Therapy Group meets on Friday afternoons. For so many of our participants, this group becomes a lifeline for social connection and a really great reason to get up, get dressed, and leave the house. Many of our young adults continue attending Group Therapy long after they have terminated treatment because of the fun and friendships that were developed through weekly participation. The group is programmed and guided to teach social skills, self-management, and adulting practices, but it is also meant to be lighthearted, fun, and entertaining. The success of Friday Group is one of the hallmarks of our program.
Executive Function Coaching is a necessary, but adjustable aspect of our program. Multiple touch points allow this intervention to be extremely effective, particularly in the first few months of therapy. Initially, the in-house EF coach will schedule two 15-30-minutes (weekly) check-ins via phone or Zoom with the young adult, to make sure they are following the daily routine agreed to in advance at the family session.
Data from these EF sessions along with attendance records from other services are compiled each week and shared with the clinical team, the client, and the parents on a weekly basis. This sharing of information has been found to be helpful for identifying the daily challenges, running interference, and making fluid adjustments to the plan based on the specific needs of the young adult and the family. It is important to note that information shared each week is not meant to be a “gotcha” with reprimands attached. Rather the accountability it provides is critical for troubleshooting areas of concern as well as celebrating progress.